Let's work some roots for social change.[1] This is a Drain the Swamp Jar spell, and you get to decide who goes into the jar.
First, print out Psalm 109 for Removing a Politician from Office on a piece of paper. Cut out a pattern for a paper doll on card stock. Feel free to use the one I provide here.
Turn the paper with Psalm 109 over and trace as many of the dolls as politicians you want removed from office on the back of the paper. Then, cut them out so you have a bunch of little paper dolls. You may have to print out more than one sheet of paper.
On the back of each doll, write the name of the politician you want ousted. You can also paste a little photo of the target's face to the doll to further create a sympathetic link to the target.
Thank you, Wikipedia, for providing us with photos of all the evil-doers that need to be stopped, and for the bonus of their signatures (I made an offering to Wikipedia for their unbeknownst-to-them assistance with this work). Copy and print out your target politicians and their signatures. Take said signatures and attach to the back of the dolls in lieu of writing their names yourself.
Once your dolls are prepared, anoint them with a conjure oil of your choosing – the oil should match your intent. I'm not going to tell you what that should be, but some suggestions are Banishing Conjure Oil to drive someone away, Destruction Conjure Oil to destroy, Black Arts to, well you know, and Cut and Clear Conjure Oil to make them cut ties with our government. If you need any of these oils I have them and a couple hundred more, of course, at creolemoon.com.
Place each fixed doll into your jar then add ingredients that are consistent with your intent. I added Spanish Moss to represent the swamp as well as for its awesome conjure qualities to confuse, entangle, smother, and drain psychic energy. I also added some rusty nails, Jimson weed to push you-know-who over the edge, and calamus root to dominate. Other ingredients may include broken glass to cut ties, goofer dust or graveyard dirt if you really want to put a stop to things, and black witches salt to drive them away. The sky’s the limit, so be creative.
Once everyone is fixed and inside the jar with all of the ingredients, fill the jar with vinegar (or piss in it if you really want to dominate the situation) and seal tightly. Leave at least an inch breathing room from the top.
Burn a red or purple candle on top of the jar to dominate, or a black candle to destroy or transform the situation. This is all up to you and your intent. I cannot tell you what your intentions are. You can use tea light candles too. White candles are fine to use if you don't have other colors or are constrained by budget, or if perhaps you wish healing upon your targets (in which case, forgo Psalm 109 and pray Psalm 23).
Pray Psalm 109 over the jar daily as you shake it. Keep burning candles on the jar until everyone is out of office. Prepare to have this jar around for quite some time.
Once you achieve your desired results, bury the jar in a cemetery or throw it away in a trash receptacle three crossroads away from your home.
[1] See the American Rootwork Association, americanrootworkassociation.com, for more information about working roots for social change.
First, print out Psalm 109 for Removing a Politician from Office on a piece of paper. Cut out a pattern for a paper doll on card stock. Feel free to use the one I provide here.
Turn the paper with Psalm 109 over and trace as many of the dolls as politicians you want removed from office on the back of the paper. Then, cut them out so you have a bunch of little paper dolls. You may have to print out more than one sheet of paper.
On the back of each doll, write the name of the politician you want ousted. You can also paste a little photo of the target's face to the doll to further create a sympathetic link to the target.
Thank you, Wikipedia, for providing us with photos of all the evil-doers that need to be stopped, and for the bonus of their signatures (I made an offering to Wikipedia for their unbeknownst-to-them assistance with this work). Copy and print out your target politicians and their signatures. Take said signatures and attach to the back of the dolls in lieu of writing their names yourself.
Once your dolls are prepared, anoint them with a conjure oil of your choosing – the oil should match your intent. I'm not going to tell you what that should be, but some suggestions are Banishing Conjure Oil to drive someone away, Destruction Conjure Oil to destroy, Black Arts to, well you know, and Cut and Clear Conjure Oil to make them cut ties with our government. If you need any of these oils I have them and a couple hundred more, of course, at creolemoon.com.
Place each fixed doll into your jar then add ingredients that are consistent with your intent. I added Spanish Moss to represent the swamp as well as for its awesome conjure qualities to confuse, entangle, smother, and drain psychic energy. I also added some rusty nails, Jimson weed to push you-know-who over the edge, and calamus root to dominate. Other ingredients may include broken glass to cut ties, goofer dust or graveyard dirt if you really want to put a stop to things, and black witches salt to drive them away. The sky’s the limit, so be creative.
Once everyone is fixed and inside the jar with all of the ingredients, fill the jar with vinegar (or piss in it if you really want to dominate the situation) and seal tightly. Leave at least an inch breathing room from the top.
Burn a red or purple candle on top of the jar to dominate, or a black candle to destroy or transform the situation. This is all up to you and your intent. I cannot tell you what your intentions are. You can use tea light candles too. White candles are fine to use if you don't have other colors or are constrained by budget, or if perhaps you wish healing upon your targets (in which case, forgo Psalm 109 and pray Psalm 23).
Pray Psalm 109 over the jar daily as you shake it. Keep burning candles on the jar until everyone is out of office. Prepare to have this jar around for quite some time.
Once you achieve your desired results, bury the jar in a cemetery or throw it away in a trash receptacle three crossroads away from your home.
[1] See the American Rootwork Association, americanrootworkassociation.com, for more information about working roots for social change.